Hexagonal Set Champagne Diamond Ring



*This diamond ring can be custom ordered to suit your individual style and ring size starting at AUD$5,600

Inspired by shapes in architecture, tiles and window decorations I see on my travels and daily life in Jaipur, this ring is one of the most opulent I have created and transports the beholder to a magical place!


This hexagonal lattice work ring is made in rich coloured 22k yellow gold and features just over 5.8cts of softly coloured natural diamonds that dramatise the light. Each stone is unique and the ring flashes soft yellow, peach, greens and champagne which, intensify in the evening light.

Each diamond has been grain set in and is framed by hexagonal channels carved by one of Jaipur's master metal engravers. Please feel free to contact me should you want a ring like this made just for you.

Each diamond has been grain set in and is framed by hexagonal channels carved by one of Jaipur's master metal engravers.

Please feel free to contact me should you want a ring like this made just for you.

Alexander Wilson

Offering new life to the world of jewellery, Alexander Wilson, creator of Alexander Gems & Jewels, immerses himself in the opulent world of exquisite fine gems, traditional Indian craftsmanship and worldwide travel, creating and sourcing jewels that can transmit a personality as vast as those they adorn.


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